Ahmed Helal

Electrical Engineer

(0 سنوات الخبرة)

مهتم بالبحث عن وظيفة

المنصورة, مصر

Electrical engineer seeking for a challenging position in a multinational leading company in the field of electrical engineering where my interpersonal, team-working, communications skills and experience can be applied, further developed and improved. ...

Autocad plc Problem Solving teaching Teamwork Technical Support Tendering Officer
mohammed thabet

mohammed thabet

Senior PHP Developer

(5 سنوات الخبرة)

مهتم بالبحث عن وظيفة

الجيزة, مصر

Senior php developer ...

andriod developer CSS Java Script JQuery PHP Web Developer

Nancy Gaber

Sr. Project Control at WDEPC

(0 سنوات الخبرة)

مهتم بالبحث عن وظيفة

الاسكندرية, مصر


.NET DEVELOPER Administrative Supervisor Contracting coordination Core .Net CSS Database Engineering English Excel Executive Assistant forecasting French Google HR
Mahmoud Abo Daher

Mahmoud Abo Daher

Software Instructor and Trainee

(5 سنوات الخبرة)

مهتم بالبحث عن وظيفة


I am Mahmoud Mohammed Abo Daher , I am a software developer and trainee working on a software house loacted in Egypt with experience in training and delivering software courses in Egypt and Saudi Arabia . ...

.NET Framework .NET MVC Ado.net Agile C# CSS Date Entry HTML Java Script JQuery SQL Server